Activate Accident Repair Warrington

Efficient, Fast, and Reliable Accident Repair Bodyshops
EV Bodyshop
Partnering with your insurer to repair your vehicle after an accident

At Activate Accident Repair Warrington, it’s our core mission to provide accessible, best-quality vehicle repair centres in the locations & regions our customers need them most. We harness our expert teams, and industry-leading repair technology to get insurance customers back on the road swiftly after an incident.

Exceptional Service

We get customers back on the road as quickly and safely as possible, and while their vehicle is with us, they’re well looked after.

Our friendly team can arrange free collection and delivery and, if the policy includes a courtesy car, we have manual and automatic options available.

Repairs are referred to us through our insurance, fleet and accident management partners. We keep them fully informed with real-time system updates, so they can deliver the best possible service to policyholders and drivers.

Industry-Leading Quality

The best-quality systems, processes and training are in place across the Activate Accident Repair business.

Our fully-qualified technicians receive regular, industry-approved training to keep them up to date with the latest vehicle advances and repair techniques.

In fact, most of our sites have achieved the BSI vehicle repair kitemark – a guarantee of quality. The kitemark is awarded by an independent assessor following a full audit of processes, systems, training and repair quality.

All our well-established sites have gained the kitemark – newer sites work in line with the standard, and aim to achieve the kitemark in their first 18 months.

Accessible Repair Capacity

We know that demand for vehicle repairs has overtaken capacity in some areas of the UK. That’s why we’re opening state-of-the-art repair centres in locations where demand is highest.

To reduce repair times further, we work with sister company Activate Parts to proactively manage parts delays.

Activate Parts uses its extensive supply chain, including manufacturer, aftermarket and green parts, to reduce parts lead times and speed up the repair process.

Efficient, Fast, and Reliable Accident Repair Bodyshops

In-House Capability

Our repair centres have all the necessary equipment and training in-house to repair even the most advanced, specialist vehicles – including EVs, AFVs, commercial assets, and ADAS-equipped vehicles.

We pride ourself on leading the industry in secure & sustainable vehicle repair, with best-practice technology, equipment, and accreditations ensuring we can deliver on any vehicle’s requirement.

Sustainable Repair Principles

We’re committed to reducing our environmental impact wherever possible. Not only is this the right thing to do, but green methods also help us reduce repair times and control costs!

Proud to be carbon neutral, we’ve calculated and offset emissions from every one of our repair centres to earn the PAS 2060 accreditation.

Efficient, Fast, and Reliable Accident Repair Bodyshops
Carbon Neutral Accident Repair Bodyshop
Efficient, Fast, and Reliable Accident Repair Bodyshops
Carbon Neutral Accident Repair Bodyshop